Practical Computing

Welcome to Practical Computing, a course to learn practical computing tools to make you productive in the academic life.


Introduction to Git & Github

  • Introduction to Git
  • Using Github Desktop
  • Pull requests


  • Contribute to rivers database git repo by adding a new animal or updating an existing one.

Introduction to Python

  • A Taste of Python
  • Python data types
  • Functions, methods and modules
  • Working with Data
  • Working with Files
  • Working with APIs

Data Analysis & Visualization

  • Introduction to Pandas
  • Introduction to Matplotlib
  • Advanced Plotting

Creating websites and Books

  • Creating Books with Quarto
  • Creating Websites with Quarto
  • Publishing websites with github pages
  • Best Practices

Building Dashboards

  • Building dashboards with streamlit

Archiving & Publishing Data

  • archiving data on
  • Publishing data with datasette

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how to work git version control system and use it to manage their personal projects
  • Collaborate with projects of other people and accept contributions to their projects from other people using git pull requests
  • use python programming language to solve automate simple tasks involving working with files and APIs
  • work with tabular data to do data analysis and Visualization
  • work with jupyterlab to create notebooks with reproducable data analysis
  • publish books and websites using Quarto


Monday, Oct 6