Anand Chitipothu

Inside Javascript Objects

17 Aug 2011 – Bangalore

Javascript is an interesting programming language. Unlike traditional programming languages, it has a prototype-based object system.

Here is my attempt to explain the nut and bolts of Javascript language and how its objects work.


There are many ways to create an object, the simplest form is this:

p = {x:1, y:2};

The properties of the object are accessed using the . notation and new properties can be added at runtime.

a = p.x;     // 1
b = p.y;     // 2
p.z = p.x + p.y; // p.z is 3

Even the primitive objects like numbers work exactly in the same way.

x = 1;
x.newprop = "hello";


Functions are special objects which are callable.

function square(x) { return x*x; }
square(4); // returns 16

The body of the function has access to two magic variables: this and arguments.

A function is always executed in the context of an object, accessible as variable this. The list of arguments passed to the function is accessible as variable arguments.

The value of this variable depends on how the function is called. When a function f is called as called as a.f(), the object a becomes the this variable. When called directly as f(), the top-level object becomes the this variable.

Javascript has a top-level object, that maintains the global variables. In the context of web browser, the top-level object is the window object.

The function object has an apply method. Calling square(2) is equivalent to calling:

square.apply(null, [2])

The first argument is the this object and the second one is the list of arguments. When null is specified as first argument, the system uses the top-level object as this.

An example to demonstrate this:

function square_method() {
    return this.value * this.value;

var n = {"value": 2};
n.square = square_method;

n.square(); // returns 4
square_method.apply(n, []); // returns 4

var sq = n.square;
sq(); // produces error as this.value is undefined. 

And another simple example to demonstrate arguments:

function count() {
    return arguments.length;

count();        // 0
count(1, 2, 3); // 3
count(4, 5);    // 2


There is another way to create objects, using the new operator.

function Point(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
var p = new Point(3, 4);

The new operator creates a new object and passes it as this object to the Point function.

Every function has a special property prototype and all the properties of the prototype object are accessible to the objects created using that function. = "Point"; // Adding a name property to prototype; // returns "Point"

If we add a name property to p, it effects only that object and not the prototype. = "p";; // will still be "Point"

The prototype object is typically used for adding methods.

Point.prototype.magnitude = function() {
    return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);

p.magnitude(); // returns 5

Some Javascript engines add a special property __proto__ to each object, which points to it’s function prototype.

p.__proto__ == Point.prototype; // true

Here is a diagram showing 2 Point objects.

| x         |---> 1
| y         |---> 2             
| __proto__ |--------------+--> Point.prototype
+-----------+              |    +--------------+
                           |    | name         | --> "Point"
                           |    +--------------+
p2                         |    | magnitude    | --> function() {...}
+-----------+              |    +--------------+
| x         |---> 5        |
+-----------+              |
| y         |---> 7        |
+-----------+              |
| __proto__ |--------------+

Now lets try something ambitious, implementing the functionality of new operator. (Works only in JS engines where __proto__ is supported.)

function new_operator(func, args) {
    var obj = {};
    obj.__proto__ = func.prototype;
    func.apply(obj, args);
    return obj;

var p1 = new_operator(Point, [1, 2]);
p1 instanceof Point; // true
p1.x; // 1
p1.y; // 2

Even the prototype object is not any special. Function prototype can be changed too.

function F() {}
F.prototype = {"x": 1};
f = new F();
f.x; // 1

We know that when a property is accessed, it is first looked up in the object, failing there, the prototype is looked up. What happens if the property is not found even there?

Yes, you guessed it right, it is recursive. The prototype of the prototype is looked up.

Lets try an example:

function F() {
    this.f = "F";

function G() {
    this.g = "G";
G.prototype.h = "H";

// Here is the magic. Prototype of F is an instance of G.
F.prototype = new G(); 

x = new F();

x.f; // "F"
x.g; // "G"

x instanceof G; // true
x instanceof F; // true

We have now implemented object inheritance in Javascript!

x                  +-> F.prototype        +-> G.prototype
+-----------+      |  +-----------+       |  +-----------+        
| f         |->"F" |  | g         |-> "G" |  | h         |-> "H" 
+-----------+      |  +-----------+       |  +-----------+        
| __proto__ |------+  | __proto__ |-------+  | __proto__ |-> some-other-object
+-----------+         +-----------+          +-----------+        

The instanceof operator

Quoting Mozilla docs:

The instanceof operator tests whether an object has in its prototype chain the prototype property of a constructor.

Syntax: object instanceof constructor

In simple words, it lets you find if an object is instance of a function.

Using the examples from the previous section:

var p = new Point(3, 4);
p instanceof Point; // true
p instanceof Object; // true

x = new F();
x instanceof G; // true
x instanceof F; // true
x instanceof Object; // true

One more example to understand it better.

function F() {}
function G() {}

f = new F();
f instanceof F; // true
f instanceof G; // false

G.prototype = F.prototype; 
f instanceof G; // true
f instanceof F; // true

So, obj instanceof func just checks whether or not the func.prototype occurs anywhere in the prototype chain of the object obj.

Now lets try to implement the instanceof operator as a function. Again, this only works in the JS engines which support __proto__.

function  my_instanceof(object, constructor) {
    if (object === Object.prototype)
        return false;
    return (object.__proto__ === constructor.prototype 
        || my_instanceof(object.__proto__, constructor));

There are slight deviations in the behavior of instanceof and my_instanceof for primitive objects like numbers.

my_instanceof(1, Number);   // true
my_instanceof(1, Object);   // true

1 instanceof Number;    // false
1 instanceof Object;    // false

I’m not sure why it has this behavior.

Implementing Classical Inheritance

Now lets try to create classes similar to the traditional programming languages like Java and Ruby. Here is what we should achieve:

var Animal = Class({
    init: function(name) { = name;
    eat: function() {
        return + " is eating";

var a = new Animal("dog");;    // "dog is eating"    

Here is the first attempt.

// Version 1 of Class implementation.
function Class(members) {
    var F = function() {
        if (members.init) {
            members.init.apply(this, arguments);
    F.prototype = members;
    return F;

We created a new function with prototype set to the provided members and it calls the init function.

So far so good. Now we can create classes with much ease, but what about inheritance? Lets say, we want to extend Animal class and create Bird class.

Lets borrow some ideas from Douglas Crockford.

function object(o) {
    function F() {}
    F.prototype = o;
    return new F();
"The object function untangles JavaScript's constructor pattern, achieving true prototypal inheritance. It takes an old object as a parameter and returns an empty new object that inherits from the old one."

Here is what it does:

y = object(x);

 y                x
+-----------+    +-----+
| __proto__ |--->| ... |
+-----------+    +-----+

With this utility, we can add an extend function our Class:

// Version 2 of Class implementation
function Class(members) {
    var F = function() {
        if (members.init) {
            members.init.apply(this, arguments);
    F.prototype = members;
    F.extend = function(members) {
        // Creating new object using the prototype of F
        var new_members = object(F.prototype);
        // and adding members to it.
        for (var name in members) {
            new_members[name] = members[name];
        return Class(new_members);
    return F;

Lets try an example:

var Bird = Animal.extend({
    fly: function() {
        return + " is flying";

var b = new Bird("sparrow");;    // sparrow is flying;    // sparrow is eating

b instanceof Bird;      // true
b instanceof Animal;    // true

Here is how it looks:

b                +--> Bird.prototype  +--> Animal.prototype 
+-----------+    |   +-----------+    |   +-----+
| name      |    |   | fly       |    |   | ... |
+-----------+    |   +-----------+    |   +-----+
| __proto__ |----+   | __proto__ |----+   
+-----------+        +-----------+

Further Reading

There are a lot of interesting resources about implementing prototype-based inheritance. Here are a few:

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