
Sometimes explaining a complex topic becomes a lot easier by using an animation of a plot. It could showing how the graph changes over a paramter. It is even more helpful if we try to do combine more than one plot.

Simple Animations

Matplotlib plots are made of visible objects called artists. Each line, curve, point that we draw on a plot is called an artist. To make an animation, we need to create a plot and write a function that updates the required artists.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib import rc
# NOTE: This is important. The animation will not play without this.

# configure matplotlib to show html animations
rc('animation', html='html5')

As an example, we’ll plot a parabola using the formula \(y = a x^2\) with \(a\) going from \(0\) to \(1\).

# define a, x and y
a = 1.0
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)
y = a*x*x
# create a figure
fig = plt.figure()

# plot returns a list of lines, we need to remember the first one, so that we can modify it
lines = plt.plot(x, y)
line = lines[0]

# We also want to remember the title so that we can update it later.
title = plt.title("$y = {a}x^2$")


We got a plot, but what we really need an animation, not a staic plot.

In the following cell, we’ll write a function update that takes the frame number and updates the data for the line and the title for each frame.

num_frames = 100

def update(frame):
    """Function to update the figure for given frame number.
    # a is going from 0 to 1 and we have 100 frames
    # dividing the curent frame number by num_frames will give a value between 0 and 1
    a = frame/num_frames
    # compute x and y again
    x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)
    y = a*x*x
    # update the data for the line (or the parabola)
    line.set_data(x, y)
    # update thext of the title
    title.set_text(f"$y = {a} x^2$")
# Create an animation
# It will take a while to render all the frames and make it into a video
animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=num_frames)

Example: Moving over a circle

Let’s look at a more complex example of animation now. We are going to look at motion around a circle and how the x and y coordinates change and correlate that with \(sin\) and \(cos\).

# Let's work with angles and it will be easier to understand
# We are dividing [0, 360] into 10 degree intervals, so we'll have 37 points in total as we are coming back to the starting point
angles = np.linspace(0, 360, 37)

theta = np.radians(angles)
r = 1

x = r * np.cos(theta)
y = r * np.sin(theta)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
plt.plot(x, y)

As the first step, we’ll make a point go over the circle.

# Let's work with angles and it will be easier to understand
# We are dividing [0, 360] into 10 degree intervals, so we'll have 37 points in total as we are coming back to the starting point
angles = np.linspace(0, 360, 37)

theta = np.radians(angles)
r = 1

x = r * np.cos(theta)
y = r * np.sin(theta)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
plt.plot(x, y)

angle = 30
px = np.cos(np.radians(angle))
py = np.sin(np.radians(angle))

# plot a red color, circle marker
# see
plt.plot(px, py, 'ro')

# Let's also mark origin
plt.plot(0, 0, 'ro')

# and connect them using a dotted line
plt.plot([0, px], [0, py], 'r--')

To turn this into an animation, we need to remember the artists and update them for each frame.

# Let's work with angles and it will be easier to understand
# We are dividing [0, 360] into 10 degree intervals, so we'll have 37 points in total as we are coming back to the starting point
angles = np.linspace(0, 360, 37)

theta = np.radians(angles)
r = 1

x = r * np.cos(theta)
y = r * np.sin(theta)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
plt.plot(x, y)

angle = 0
px = np.cos(np.radians(angle))
py = np.sin(np.radians(angle))

# plot a red color, circle marker
# see
p1, = plt.plot(px, py, 'ro')

# Let's also mark origin
p2, = plt.plot(0, 0, 'ro')

# and connect them using a dotted line
line1, = plt.plot([0, px], [0, py], 'r--')

title = plt.title("")

# move by 15 degrees
num_frames = 24

def update(frame):
    angle = frame/num_frames*360
    px = np.cos(np.radians(angle))
    py = np.sin(np.radians(angle))

    p1.set_data(px, py)
    line1.set_data([0, px], [0, py])
    title.set_text(rf"$\theta = {angle}\degree$")
animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=num_frames, interval=500)
/tmp/ipykernel_25710/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Setting data with a non sequence type is deprecated since 3.7 and will be remove two minor releases later
  p1.set_data(px, py)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

def draw(ax):
    # Let's work with angles and it will be easier to understand
    # We are dividing [0, 360] into 10 degree intervals, so we'll have 37 points in total as we are coming back to the starting point
    angles = np.linspace(0, 360, 37)

    theta = np.radians(angles)
    r = 1

    x = r * np.cos(theta)
    y = r * np.sin(theta)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
    plt.plot(x, y)

    angle = 30
    px = np.cos(np.radians(angle))
    py = np.sin(np.radians(angle))

    # plot a red color, circle marker
    # see
    plt.plot(px, py, 'ro')

    # Let's also mark origin
    plt.plot(0, 0, 'ro')

    # and connect them using a dotted line
    plt.plot([0, px], [0, py], 'r--')
# plt.ioff()

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
rng = np.random.default_rng(19680801)
data = np.array([20, 20, 20, 20])
x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

artists = []
colors = ['tab:blue', 'tab:red', 'tab:green', 'tab:purple']
for i in range(20):
    data += rng.integers(low=0, high=10, size=data.shape)
    container = ax.barh(x, data, color=colors)
    title = ax.set_title(f"i={i}")
# plt.ion()
animation.ArtistAnimation(fig=fig, artists=artists, interval=400)
AttributeError: 'BarContainer' object has no attribute 'set_visible'
<matplotlib.animation.ArtistAnimation at 0x7f887a050460>
1 + 2

Animation Utilities

# Utilities to draw 

class Animation:
    def __init__(self, fig, frames, datafunc, **kwargs):
        """Creates an animation.
            The matplotlib figure to animate on.
            Number of frames
            A function that takes theta and returns x and y
            Optional keyworkd arguments passed to matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation.
        self.fig = fig
        self.frames = frames
        self.datafunc = datafunc
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.objects = []
        self._anim = None
    def draw_frame(self, frame):
        angle = frame/self.frames*2*np.pi
        x, y = self.datafunc(angle)
        ctx = Context(angle=angle, x=x, y=y)
        return [obj.update(ctx) for obj in self.objects]
    def render(self):
        self._anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, self.draw_frame, self.frames, **self.kwargs)
    def add_line(self, ax, fmt, datafunc):
        """Adds a line to the animation.
            The axis to draw the line on
            The format of the line to draw. e.g. 'r-'
            A function that takes the context as argument and returns [x1, y1, x2, y2].
        line = Line(ax, fmt, datafunc)

    def add_point(self, ax, fmt, datafunc):
        """Adds a point to the animation.
            The axis to draw the line on
            The format of the line to draw. e.g. 'r-'
            A function that takes the context as argument and returns [x1, y1].
        p = Point(ax, fmt, datafunc)

class Context:
    def __init__(self, angle=0, x=0, y=0):
        self.angle = angle
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class Line:
    def __init__(self, ax, fmt, datafunc):
        self.datafunc = datafunc            
        self.obj, = ax.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], fmt)

    def update(self, ctx):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.datafunc(ctx)
        self.obj.set_data([x1, x2], [y1, y2])
        return self.obj

class Point:
    def __init__(self, ax, fmt, datafunc):
        self.datafunc = datafunc            
        self.obj, = ax.plot(0, 0, fmt)

    def update(self, ctx):
        x, y = self.datafunc(ctx)
        self.obj.set_data([x], [y])
        return self.obj

class ParametericAnimation(Animation):
    def __init__(self, func, frames=36):
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))        
        super().__init__(fig, frames, func)
    def draw(self):
        ax0 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
        ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
        # ticks = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 9)
        # tick_labels = [
        #     r"$0$", r"$\frac{\pi}{4}$", 
        #     r"$\frac{\pi}{2}$", r"$\frac{3\pi}{4}$",
        #     r"$\pi$", r"$\frac{5\pi}{4}$",
        #     r"$\frac{3\pi}{2}$", r"$\frac{7\pi}{4}$",
        #     r"$2\pi$"]
        ticks = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 5)
        tick_labels = [
            r"$0$",  r"$\frac{\pi}{2}$",
            r"$\pi$", r"$\frac{3\pi}{2}$",  r"$2\pi$"]
        t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 1000)
        x, y = self.datafunc(t)

        ax0.plot(x, y)

        ax1.plot(x, t, 'r-')
        ax1.axline([0, 0], [0, 2*np.pi], color='gray')
        ax1.set_yticks(ticks, tick_labels)

        ax2.plot(t, y, 'g-')
        ax2.axline([0, 0], [2*np.pi, 0], color='gray')
        ax2.set_xticks(ticks, tick_labels)
        self.add_line(ax0, 'b--', lambda ctx: [0, 0, ctx.x, ctx.y])
        self.add_line(ax0, 'r--', lambda ctx: [0, 0, ctx.x, 0])
        self.add_line(ax0, 'g--', lambda ctx: [ctx.x, 0, ctx.x, ctx.y])

        self.add_point(ax0, 'bo', lambda ctx: [0, 0])
        self.add_point(ax0, 'bo', lambda ctx: [ctx.x, ctx.y])

        self.add_point(ax1, 'ro', lambda ctx: [ctx.x, ctx.angle])
        self.add_line(ax1, 'r--', lambda ctx: [0, ctx.angle, ctx.x, ctx.angle])

        self.add_point(ax2, 'go', lambda ctx: [ctx.angle, ctx.y])
        self.add_line(ax2, 'g--', lambda ctx: [ctx.angle, 0, ctx.angle, ctx.y])
def func(t):
    x = np.cos(t)
    y = np.sin(t)
    return x, y

ani = ParametericAnimation(func)