Publishing with Quarto

Quarto is a wonderful publishing system that converts jupyter notebooks and markdown files into books and websites. It produces production quality articles, presentations, websites and books.

Quarto can be used to render individual notebooks or a collection of them.

Setting up Quarto

TODO: How to install Quarto

Install the tools required to render pdf using by running the following command in a terminal/command-prompt to install TeX engine required to create PDFs.

quarto install tinytex

Once it is installed you can verify it by running quarto list tools:

$ quarto list tools
[✓] Inspecting tools

Tool         Status            Installed     Latest
chromium     Not installed     ---           869685
tinytex      Up to date        v2024.02      v2024.02

Rendering a notebook to PDF

Run the following command to render a notebook into PDF.

$ quarto render rose-curves.ipynb --to pdf
Output created: rose-curves.pdf

You can replace rose-curves.ipynb with whatever notebook that you have.

Creating a book

Start creating a book by running the command quarto create.

It will prompt to to select what to create. Select project.

 ? Create
 ❯ project

Next, it will prompt you to select the project type. Select book.

 ? Create › project
 ? Type
 ❯ book

And finally, it will ask you to enter the directory for the book. Enter . to select the current directory.

 ? Create › project
 ? Type › book
 ? Directory › .
Creating project at /home/anand:
  - Created _quarto.yml
  - Created index.qmd
  - Created intro.qmd
  - Created summary.qmd
  - Created references.qmd
  - Created cover.png
  - Created references.bib

And you are ready.