6  Making Pie Charts

Making Pie Charts is not as hard it seems. Matplotlib supports piecharts out of the box and Pandas provides a wrapper to plot one directly from a dataframe.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

We’ll use the un-min dataset as example for plotting piechart.

df = pd.read_csv("../datasets/un-min.csv")
country region lifeMale lifeFemale infantMortality GDPperCapita
0 Afghanistan Asia 45.0 46.0 154 2848
1 Albania Europe 68.0 74.0 32 863
2 Algeria Africa 67.5 70.3 44 1531
3 Angola Africa 44.9 48.1 124 355
4 Argentina America 69.6 76.8 22 8055

6.1 Pie Chart with Pandas and Matplotlib

Let’s try to plot the number of countries in each region as a pie chart.

Africa     53
Asia       46
Europe     40
America    35
Oceania    14
Name: region, dtype: int64
counts = df.region.value_counts()
Africa     53
Asia       46
Europe     40
America    35
Oceania    14
Name: region, dtype: int64
<Axes: ylabel='region'>

To show the percentage values in each slice:

<Axes: ylabel='region'>

We can even highlight a slice. For example, the following snippet highlights the Asia.

Africa     53
Asia       46
Europe     40
America    35
Oceania    14
Name: region, dtype: int64
counts.plot.pie(autopct="%1.1f%%", explode=[0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0], shadow=True)
<Axes: ylabel='region'>

Asia was the second entry in the data. We’ve told to explode the second one by 0.1 while keeping everything else in the original place. The shadow=True adds a bit of 3-d effect.

6.2 References